martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

From ultraviolet rays to environmental pollution, welcome to my new blog which we are going to present the condition of the ozone layer

The ozone layer in the old time were less danger that now. In this time not to have importance of the ozone layer. Now day the ozone layer it's break. That's way ray ultra violet we affect is of a immortal mode. That's way we try see how to repair.

We have the Deity of informed the people about the ozone layer's problems. This problems affect at at all.

we want make this blog because we want make conscience in the people about The danger it has if the ozone layer breaks.

• Prevents the purchase and subsequent consumption of aerosols or spray in the composition of which chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs)

• Avoid the use of extinguishers containing halons, a very aggressive substance for the ozone layer.

• Limits the use of the car and other devices such as compressors, turf machines, etc.

• Use alternative means of transportation: buses, bicycles, or just walk.

• Decreases the use of heating and air conditioning.

• Purchase household appliances and light bulbs, in addition to less pollution, you will save on your light bill.


-what think do you think about the ozone layer? 
-how was the ozone layer in the old times?
-in you're times the ozone layer was in danger?
-you think that deity of the people  is take hear the ozone layer?